We’ve missed you Zack.
In light of the murder of George Floyd, we don't want to downplay the situation. We, as two Black men, did find that Twitter's comedic relief helped us cope during this difficult time. Today, we would like to share with you what helped keep our spirits up and made us laugh in the group chat.
If you want to help out those on the ground consider donating to some bail funds:
Honestly, as long as you aren't giving money to Shaun "Talcum X" King, you're good.

Target has fallen
So a Minneapolis Target got looted, ransacked, pillaged, and flat out plundered last week shortly after the protests began.
If you're wondering why fuck this Target in particular. A few things to keep in mind.

Target is with the shits, fyi.

Lest we forget about the other institutions that were lost.


Things we didn't need to hear
On the topic of looting & peaceful protests, some of y’all's fav celebs had a plethora of thoughts and comments that ranged from positive discussion and calls to action to ... well, this

Madonna, sweetie, what is you doin??
If only Avatar Kendall whipped out that money bending.
We also witnessed some advanced coonery.

This man is clearly troubled and has not recovered from the get down getting cancelled.

Takes to keep in mind

Shout out to the fam. We see you sis.
Doing what needed to be done

Looting Haul!

No cap I deadass test drove this CR-V the other week.
Y'all out here focused on material possessions, my mans gonna walk away with a whole music career.
What were some of your favorite tweets from this week?
Stay safe and thanks for reading - Andrés and Regynald.
Shoutout to Ebony, Freia, Jade, and Gonzalo
I have definitely been feeling down recently...but this definitely pepped me up! 🙏🏾