So shit's still poppin' off. Hope everyone is staying safe out in these streets. From having to deal with collective white guilt, to witnessing coworkers literally tweet about never hiring black people, this past week was extremely draining for a lot of us.
"How you doing?"
ASKIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Zack Fox
Following up from last week's feedback, and to clarify, the goal of this newsletter is not to shy away from the extreme injustices our community is, and has been facing. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others have been senselessly killed for no fucking reason. These occurrences are numbing at this point. While we continue to use our individual platforms to demand justice, we wanted to use this newsletter to highlight how the black twitter community is responding and coping to overt stupidity.
With that being said there's a lot of content this week. Strap up.
This you?
"This you?" twitter is all about gathering receipts. A movement to call out individuals and brands for their past nonsense and quite frankly, racism. In someone else's words:
Here are some of our favorite receipts.
They even called out Barbie lmao

Ok ok although our white boy dave's music is problematic we do have to stan his hulu show.

Just want to point out that he has a whole Wikipedia section dedicated to hate crimes...
It would be wise for Times to acknowledge how impactful "This you?" was for both our awareness, and our timelines. Give them their flowers!
Company Statements (and lack there of)
At this point if your fav company hasn't made a statement involving a black lives matter hashtag or blacking out their social media avi's, they are probably cancelled. Yes this includes Chick-Fil-A, and you should've already been off that establishment. Some statements however make calls to action, like Ben & Jerry's and Sony, whose response directly work towards forcing change.

Ben & Jerry's said fuck y'all, no condom.

Those are literally all the good corporate responses from this week.

Here we have yet another platform built by black people that silences and ignores them.
Same energy.
a WHAT filter? Instead of the nonsense above, y'all could have at least followed the script..
..or you know, open ur purse.

Open Your Purse
The masses were shocked that this was the Artistic Director of Louis Vuitton men's definition of opening his purse.
Because his donation was as much as any sorority girl with 3k ig followers, Virgil quickly become synonymous with "50"
After getting thoroughly slandered on the timeline, Virgil responded.
Some folks still had questions.
Actually, he's "dark-dark".
Now look what happens when you actually open your damn purse.

Even uncle jack pulled up with some potato salad.
We would like to present a series of vignettes, sans commentary, that ended racism, police brutality, and of course, all societal injustices.

Before we wrap up we wanted to comment on a worrying trend that we've all seen on our timelines, and social media more broadly, of people posting a single black square, or a match donation, and then immediately going back to their regular scheduled programming. This type of easy activism is polluting platforms, and isn't making a meaningful difference or pushing the movement forward. We only have so much time to capitalize on the collective consciousness. It shouldn't be wasted on empty platitudes.
Please educate yourselves. Google is still free.
Y’all are the right amount of stupid and funny, love to see it. I’ll actually subscribe lmaooo